I'm Ellie, I am a NASM certified personal trainer and popular TikTok creator with a passion to help others navigate their fitness journey. It is my quest to help you unleash your inner power and develop your outer strength.
My Journey
Not long ago, I was an average college student who was just starting my fitness journey. I had little to no experience in the gym and soon found myself confused, and overwhelmed. I was following trendy diets and numerous uncertified exercise programs chasing a body image I thought would bring me self worth. I was traveling down a path that led to disordered eating, and a whole lot of frustration with no results.
For me, everything changed when I stopped trying to "lose"- lose fat, lose weight, lose stretch marks, lose cellulite.
and started trying to GAIN- gain strength, gain confidence, gain power, gain knowledge.
I graduated with a degree in Allied Health Medical Sciences and became a certified personal trainer.
I stopped dieting, shifted my focus to performance, and started applying my knowledge to my training and finally saw results.
My goal was (and still is) to use science based methods to become the strongest version of myself while maintaining a sustainable, enjoyable lifestyle.
Now, I help other women and men do the same. I founded the Stronger Through Sweat Movement where I offer one-one-one coaching so you too can experience the empowerment of sustainable strength.
Every day is a new day to change your life...let's make it today!